Qafka · 4 answers · 2y

What’s the worst life hack you have ever tried yourself?

Im not sure which child rearing “expert” it was, but they recommended that when your young children don’t want to do something you’re supposed to given them “win-win choices”. Ex: Would you like to pick up your toys now or in ten minutes? My daughter would always respond with “Nada (Nothing/None)”. 🙄😒

I tried taking magnesium supplements recently if that counts. I'd heard they're supposed to do wonders.. they just made me never want to get out of bed which made me even more depressed. Also I tried Gingko Biloba once for the ring in my ear, and it seemed to reduce my overall ability to hear.

Getting silver spoons back to a shiny state with aluminum foil and salt and hot water. It works. But the chloride smell hung like a poison of death in the kitchen.

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