Sean ⚡🤖 · 9 answers · 4y

Is there a celebrity/public figure out there you believe gets undeserved hate? Please use this space to defend ya boy/girl - either that or tear down someone everybody loves, I'm down for whatever.

It's a bit old news now, but leave Ronald Acuña Jr. alone. People saying he's bad for baseball because he looked at one he thought was out. A guy with a 1.454 postseason OPS is bad for baseball. Maddening.

I'm sure there's quite a few, but Kanye West is definitely not one of them that guy is a fucking douchebag and a gay fish

Sometimes I do feel bad for a celebrity for a sec. Then I think, furreal though? Defend the rich? Nah, they'll be fine.

There are many low characters out there deserving an uproar, but people defend them against public evidence and declare blue to be red. How can you possibly alter their stance?

Ellen just got a lot of hate on the internet for posting a video saying that we should all get along, even with people who believe or do things we disagree with, and that she's friends with George W Bush. People acted like because she's friends with GWB she's supporting genocide or something. It just shows how much hate and judgment there is going around currently that a person says, hey, let's all be friends, and there's a huge public backlash making her out to be a demon.

That being said, I heard she's really rotten to her staff so I'm not sure I like her as a person.

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