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Anonymous Coward · 9mo

What do you think of Tokusatsu shows and what was your first exposure to it?

Mezamun · 11mo

I know it's not your go-to, but from your current recollection, what would you say is the strongest aspect of the Sun/Moon series? Something you'd say it succeeds at as an anipoké entry?

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

Do you think the backlash over Misty leaving the anime after Johto was overblown? Only 30 year olds will remember this, but Misty leaving was once considered the most controversial thing that ever happened in the anime. I think the younger gen of fans part of the fandom now who started watching pokemon in the mid-2000's or later probably have no idea what a big deal Misty leaving the anime was back then. I remember so many people rage quitting and bashing May unfairly during AG too. It was a weird time

I would say it's easy to label it as overblown in hindsight, but it was kind of inevitable at the time given Misty was seen as 'the' Ash companion and there was no context of how later Pokégirls and series would be written yet for the audience. Any big change like that tends to bring that kind of backlash, as we're seeing right now with Ash being retired from the show and how some people have sworn off Horizons solely because of his absence.

It was ultimately an emotional reaction that was always bound to fade over time.

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

Given the relative success of "Path to the Peak", so you think there's room for a Pokémon TCG based anime?

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

How do you feel about Dawn's JN cameos, (all 4 individually, or as a whole). I know the common disappointment is she had no new pokemon/updates to her goal, but how do you feel about how she was used in the eps? As a friend to Koharu, the Arceus specials, watching Ash/Leon in-person, etc. Also do you feel she was written out of character, or do you feel she was similar to her self?

Anonymous Coward · 2y

WHy'd you stop posting on reddit?

Biggest reason is really lack of time and my life getting a lot busier. Another is also simply how a lot of Reddit discourse (and online discourse in general, really) didn't really grab me anymore, whether it being the trite arguments, bad takes galore and a lot of discussions that I just preferred not getting involved into.

I don't discount resuming posting on reddit or posting more reviews or opinions somewhere else, but it's just not a priority for me at this point in mine.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

What do you think about the new pokemon series?

I'm very much enjoying it, so far! It didn't quite 100% start out as my ideal Pokémon series, but it's confidently itself and steadily entertaining, and it's the most consistent fun I had with the main show since XY's airing.

I'd like to go into details, but with another pending ask tackling this same question, I'll do so once I get to it. Thank you for your question, though!

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Since Ash's is no longer the main character after Pokemon Journey's, are you going to be doing a review for each of the 8 series in which he appears as the main character? How about reviews on Ash, each of Ash's companions, and/or other important characters in the main series Pokemon anime until Pokemon Journeys?

I would say, I'd really love to do all of that: even if I've been much less active online than I used to be, I still love to talk about writing and sharing my opinion of things I am invested in, and with Ash's story being technically complete at last I can give a better look at each of the individual pieces.

While I don't discount eventually getting around it, I also can't quite guarantee any of those possibilities in a timely manner as of now. It's definitely in my mind however, and I thank you for your suggestions!

Anonymous Coward · 3y

What is your own idea to conclude Ash Ketchum's journey?

Anonymous Coward · 3y

Thoughts on Project Mew and where Gou is headed?

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Since Ash is not going to be the main character in the Gen 9 anime, will you still watch the Pokemon anime?

Of course! I'll probably keep watching the show for as long as I have interest in it. While I liked Ash he was never my lone reason to follow the Anime, and I look forward to keep following Liko, Roy and Dot's adventures.

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

Do you still write a part on reset bloodlines?

Haven't written much fanfiction in general with how busy life has been (especially since I actually got to publish some original works since I last wrote for Reset). There's some corners of the universe I'd like to tackle still and a few others I'd like to develop, but I can't say when that will be right at this moment.

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

If there was one singular thing you could change from any of the previous Pokémon anime series, what would it be?

Anonymous Coward · 3y

Honest opinion on Iris rising well into Masters 8

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

You genuinely don't understand writing or how we as viewers narratively analyze/interpret a series.

Did you just wait two years for me to start replying to my pending asks solely to be a jerk? Please get a life.

I dunno who you are and why my random opinions got you this bothered, but I don't plan to give you or any other reply like this the time of day ever again. Feel free to show me how much I make you angry, I'll just delete your asks and move on with more important things.

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