Pandy · 12 answers · 4y

What are your thoughts on having sex with someone on their period?

Me: Ah. It's pretty cold here.
She: Yeah.
Me: But the movie was great, right?
She: Oh yea.
Me: Listen. We've been dating now for a couple of weeks. We didn't have sex so far but well. I wrote a song for you and I'd like you to hear it. Okay, here it goes:

You are the most beautiful woman I ever saw. You are the very reason for me having a hard-on spontaneously from time to time, girl. You are already my life. I would give everything for you. It is not about sex, it is about you alone. And you decide, when you are ready. I know, all the wait will be worthwhile one day.

She: Babe, let us go to my place but I have to tell you, I am on my period right now.

Me: BYE!!

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