Wasserpistole · 7 answers · 4y

If you could change one thing about video games in general, what would that be?

Pay-to-win microtransation models. I wholeheartedly believe if the game play is good, proper DLC and weapon/skin change items will get purchased by the players. Models like that are just poor gameplay and I'm concerned its set a precedent that AAA games want to replicate.

some real consequences / deterrents for toxic ppl ? I don't really know what those would look like but lots of online gamer communities are toxic as all hell and it is tolerated pretty well by the gaming companies, in my experience and in the experiences of many of my friends

quit rushing them, stop pushing busted-ass games out the door and having to patch them on day 1 - it's OK to delay the release if it needs to be fixed

Make it less so that you can work on one for 15 minutes and then die and have to start over from some checkpoint or something. It causes frustration. Make the progress more incremental / gradual somehow. Without making it too easy of course.

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