Wasserpistole · 5 answers · 4y

What do you see as advantage and positive about the whole corona thing? Is there anything you could name?

advantage: civil unrest is growing -- people are realizing more and more how poorly the government prioritizes things that people actually need and over-prioritizes structures that overwhelmingly hurt especially marginalized ppl

disadvantage: civil unrest is growing -- in a GOOD society where the government takes care of its people there would be zero need for that. people now have to fight so hard just to receive small changes in return

  • Healthcare and germatology are being taken a whole lot more seriously now.
  • Polution is down
  • (Personal to me) I've not spent that much money throughout the whole thing

It's proven that a lot of people's bosses/companies were lying to them about the reason when they refused to let people have flex time and/or work from home for a ton of jobs...should make them wonder what else their bosses are lying to them about

It humbled certain pple who needed humbling. Loss tends to do that. Also it showed death doesn't discriminate nor does it give a shit about age, class/status, gender, how accomplished you are, etc. Bc in the end, none of that bs matters.

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