Wasserpistole · 5 answers · 5y

Why are there SIDS, meaning a sudden unexplained dead of a child, when science can tell us why a person died 3000 years ago by studying their mummy?


SIDS isn't a mystery as such, its just not always possible to pinpoint the exact reason the infant died.

SIDS is often down to dangerous sleeping habits, for example :

  1. Sharing a bed with a parent
  2. Overheating when sharing a bed
  3. Parent falling asleep with babe in arms on the sofa or armchair
  4. Parents/guardians being smokers/drug users.
  5. Being accidentally smothered with loose blankets.

Idk bro but what I do know is nothing ever really is 'unexplainable' as such. Not until the facts of the matter come out anyway... So maybe they're yet to fully identify and/or disclose all the notable possibilities that could've led up to the deaths

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