Wasserpistole · 10 answers · 4y

If you are a gamer, do you prefer to play female or male characters?

for some reason, I have a pretty strong preference for female characters when the option is given, but I don't seek out games based on what gender the lead character is, and I've been able to identify with leads of both genders

In RPGs I usually play as a male character on the first playthrough, then Female if I do a second one. In other games where you can't make a custom character and the only difference between them is cosmetic, I'll go with whichever I most like the look of, which is probably more often the female.

I'm not ashamed of self-inserting into an RPG, so probably male if it's a custom character.
Else it depends on the characters entirely, for instance I always go Jill in RE1, after all she's the master of unlocking.

I don't really mind, whatever is the most appropriate to the storyline I guess.

male, because I'm a DYKE and games be out here making their women too femme for me. tiddies swinging and all

Um, if the player character is customizable, probably male like 75% of the time - I did a female Shepard playthrough in Mass Effect and one in Saints Row 4 just for the hell of it ... I don't truly care though, I don't spend a ton of time customizing anyway

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