Wasserpistole · 6 answers · 4y

How iy sour sleep rhythm? / Wie dst iein Schlafrhythmus?

Right now it's good, I wake up early enough for a bit of downtime before my work day and I sleep early

Right now, not great. I've been pretty sick and that's made for some pretty restless nights, and I don't know why, but it's also been making my night panics a lot worse. I hate anxiety lmao.

I sleep randomly, between maybe 3 and 24 hours at a time. I'm awake between maybe 16 and 24 hours at a time. When I sleep a long time (which is usually), I often frequently wake up for a minute and then fall back asleep, usually changing my position when I do that. I guess I'm usually a light sleeper. Just open my door and I wake up. Probably because I sleep way more than is necessary. Every second I'm asleep, I'm dreaming.

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