Daniel · 10 answers · 3y

Do you find it unethical to abort a child solely because its known that it would have a disability like down syndrome?

i don't think so. disability or not, it is not fair to expect people to bring people into the world they're not able/prepared to take care of

Having a child is such a life altering event, someone who hasn’t had one cannot even imagine. If you think you can, you seriously can’t. I’ve wanted kids for as long as I remember, and my life long goal was to be a mother. But oh my god, If this isn’t something I wanted, both me and my child would he living a horrible life. Let me tell you, NOBODY- and specifically NO right wing religious nut, has the right to force this on any woman. Fuck anyone who thinks they have a say in someone else’s life. Unless you personally will adopt and keep all unwanted children, don’t even dare to voice an opinion on this issue.

It's the choice of the parents, yes both parents if possible not just the woman. It takes two to make a baby. Two should make such a decision if possible

No, it's unethical for strangers to stick their snout in between a woman and her medical professionals

I don't really know enough about abortion to seriously answer this. But I think the morality come from how far the pregnancy has gone before you know this information and the severity of the syndrome.

No, especially if you're not financial prepared for such an undertaking. It's less ethical and selfish to bring a child to term who you know will endure hardships.

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