Daniel · 10 answers · 3y

Im not sure if i understood what americans mean when they say they are dating someone. Is that the same as being in a romantic relationship?

Correct. Some people also date more than one person at a time till they decide one of them is worthy of "being exclusive", for them it's not a real relationship till then.

Who knows? Dating in America seems to be more of a sport to my mind. Saying this, I only have TV shows and films to base my assumptions on.

What Sean said, but for me it is how I describe a situation with somebody where we are "seeing each other," which is to say that we hang out, go on dates, get to know each other as potential partners, but that ain't my girlfriend. I'm not necessarily going to introduce them to my friends or family if we are simply dating and not in a relationship

I wasn't sure either until I read Sean's answer. I think he's got it. That's why I wasn't sure--it means different things to different people.

My experience is that it means different things to different people, to me it's more casual/non-committed than a romantic relationship, or is too early on to be considered a relationship - but I know people who treat it like there is a level of commitment/fidelity expected 🤷‍♂️

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