Daniel · 12 answers · 3y

What could be the most likely cause for a world war 3?

Water wars. Right now China and India are in conflict over China trying to damn Indian rivers at the source because they are having a water crisis. At the same time Ethiopia is going to dam the Blue Nile, and Turkey has some plans on damming the Tigris and Euphrates which would cause massive problems in Iran, Syria, Iraq, and Kuwait. There's also some concern over this in central asia involving Kyrgyzstan and its neighbors.

Hmmm, although they are experts at staying behind this line - Russia and China going to far against the Western Worlds sensibilities... likely at the same time. I think wars are more insidious nowadays though that all out warfare. I think it'll take several breakdowns for this to happen... either this or usable water becomes scares and diplomacy breaks down.

If the US weren't so powerful, I believe it would be happening right now. I don't think that we will have such a war in the next 100 years.

4 years ago I would've said Donald Trump, but much to my amazement (and relief) the utter fool didn't start a war with North Korea or Iran. He sure tried though.

Given the threat of nuclear war I don't think it's possible for a WW3 to break out. You'd also need a big power to fight another and they all seem to be allies or at least economically dependant on one another.

Not acknowledging BenJason's scientific genius on Climate Change, and not accepting that his racial slurs are valid arguments on the subject!

Male hormones, vanity, nationalism as a form of racism, childishness, general idicocy, greed, social imbalance, logic of war machines, lack of education, revenge porn, technical failure, software bugs, children playing with matches.

I don't think we're going to see anything similar to WW1 and 2 anytime soon, much more likely to be a series of smaller-scale proxy wars where all the big superpowers arm and fund their favorite band of assholes and let them duke it out...as for causes, let's go with either water or mineral rights

Capitalism vs X . It's obvious and on if you're not into labelism. America, Russia, Britain vs france, Germany , China. Obviously all are crazy fuckers, since alot of civilians are dying every day because of it.

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