Daniel · 15 answers · 3y

Does it bother you when retrospring users that you like interact with detestable users?

No, it's silly to just hate someone you enjoy simply because of their association, now if they begin to adopt those traits that you dislike that's different, but simply engaging with a person you don't particularly like shouldn't make you like the person less, I think that says more about you than it does them.

Sometimes, yeah. I've expressed this a few times before though. There are specific kinds of interactions that people have (and have had, for years now) with the most toxic users here that make me sigh. But to be clear, the fact that I don't pretend that doesn't happen to me when it shows up on my feed isn't me telling other users who they can and can't interact with. I'm allowed to say mama, I think this is steaming hot garbage, right? I'm not saying steaming hot garbage is illegal, I'm saying "none for me, thanks" if that's what's for dinner.

Context is key - and I don't think I care enough to think of a working example where I could be bothered.

The shittiest users here have their own little reject circlejerk going, kind of amusing.. But for the most part no, sometimes they ask good questions, it's only their opinions that suck.

No. Not at all. It's like having a friend that is friend with someone else you can't stand. I think we're adult enough to know how to separate relationships. Each one can choose their own friends or who they want to interact with. I find the "with me or against me" a bit childish thing tbh.

It makes me wonder if they've seen what I've seen, but I don't police who anybody interacts with

I'll be mad for like five minutes and then I'm over it, I won't tell people who they can or can't get along with or whatever

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