Daniel · 16 answers · 2y

What's your opinion about people who don't want to get vaccinated against corona?

Its their choice but when you make an important decision like that you better do your research and actually know what the fuck you're talking about. Protip: they don't

People calling others sheep and take animal dewormer in the process? "Well, who's the sheep now?" is probably the only thing I have to say.

A few have good reason to avoid doing that and the rest seems busy to find reasonably sounding excuses that hide their true motives, whatever they are.

I can't force anyone to do what they don't want to do and that applies to get vaccinated too.

I’m a state employee. If you work with school children or (or have school aged children) or work w big portion of the public, and you are not vaccinated you are DEFINITELY getting the side eye from me. Get 👏🏼 your 👏🏼 MF 👏🏼 VACCINE! 👏🏼 We just got an email last night saying that there were students that tested positive. First full week back. We are doomed. 😤

I won't judge them - it's funny, people will call it 'selfish' as if they don't act in their own self-interest - hell those very same people would rather have a homelessness crisis than lose one penny of their home value by a shelter going up near them, so quite frankly they can STFU about selfishness

We can't force them to. Even if they're able to physically get vaccinated, I don't think its desirable to force the issue.

If you got your own reason, then it's okay not to get it.

My reason why I don't get vaccinated is because the fatality rate of my age group is in the same ballpark if less as the flu, and I don't get flu shots either. If you're in a high risk group, it's still your choice.

According to the Bible they will not receive the kingdom of heaven. Cause we read in Matthew 5:3 ""Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Lord have mercy on my soul! But fun aside. You know I am one of them and it is my decision and my decision only. After all, my body my choice. And if people who are vaccinated still are scared of the unvaccinated it is their problem and for them, I take the "But fun aside" back.

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