Daniel · 14 answers · 2y

Could you be friends with an anti-vaxxer?

I've had coworkers who are antivaxxers, but I wouldn't have called them friends

Yes of course. We're allowed to disagree with friends on the odd topic here or there.

Actually I lost two friends due to this .... it is an astonishing fact that people with cool working intellects can fall for dumb and easily debunkable misinformation and cling to it in unpleasant manners.

Just against them in general, on principle? hooboy that is a tough ask...for covid, some skepticism is fair IMO because it was a novel virus and all, but to be against the ones for measles and polio and shit that have been around for a few generations, I couldn't take them seriously

Assuming they aren't crazy about it, yes, but the real question is: would they be friends witn a vaxxer?

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