Daniel · 7 answers · 2y

Prove that 1+1=2

Make a number line of integers, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. Start at 1. Move to the right by one since we're adding one. We end up at 2. QED.

Tbh I don't know what sorts of axioms you're allowed to start with when proving 1+1=2. It seems strange that the proof would be so complicated.

Daniel, I’m an elementary school teacher, not a number theorist. 🤷🏻‍♀️

haha. Sir Bertrand Russel and Roger Penrose wrote entire books until the foundation for the number 1 was there! That by far exceeds the character limit here.

Firstly, it's absolutely necessary to convert that number to unary because everything gets confusing with any other numeral system.


If you count the number of ones, you'll see that there are two of them to the right and to the left of the equals sign. So, since x=x and 1=1, we can conclude that the calculation is true.

  • 1+1 is just another way to write 1&1.
  • 1&1 means Marcell D'Avis.
  • Marcell D'Avis has 2 letters that appear twice.
  • therefore 1+1=2.

That fills at least twenty pages in my calculus notes, please don’t make me retype that

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