Daniel · 9 answers · 2y

What can i do against a cough that still isnt completly gone after 3 weeks?

Are you still having coughs? I have no medical background to give you any advice. I don't know if there is a similar thing in your country but when I think that I just have medical questions, I use an app that, for a small fee, connects me to a doctor via text or phone call.

Stop doing work and cease any unnecessary occupation with bodily exhaustive parts. Try to sleep well and long. See your doctor to check if it is a cough with different causes than usual. Viral infections or bacterial need different treatments. Make sure the infection isn't expanding to the muscle system including your heart. Give yourself time. Make sure not to infect others or reimport your infection from others. See your doctor. Tell him it is already a longer term cough. It could be potentially serious. Do not make it a disaster by ignoring it.

The average length of time a cough will last for an adult is six weeks. Unless it’s progressively getting worse, or you’re coughing up blood or something, don’t be too worried.

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