Daniel · 7 answers · 5y

What are topics, that people shouldnt joke about?

Like, categorically? There is nothing you shouldn’t joke about. Everything can be ridiculed.

Hypothetically, however, there are a lot of things you shouldn’t joke about if you want to be considered a decent person, but that depends on who you want to consider you as a decent person and to what extent.


It's not 'what', but 'how'. That you can't talk about a thing makes it funny for that fact alone.

Death, rape, molestation, religion, politics, murder, personal attacks, child-rearing, severe injury etc. etc. …should throw up some warning flags, if not just left in the hands of professionals ( … if that even ).

I think that rape jokes are always in bad taste. the only people who makes rape jokes are edgy boys who think that being offensive and shocking is the only way to be funny

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