Daniel · 15 answers · 5y

Do you believe that watching porn is harmful?

i think it's harmful, maybe not to everybody, but honestly who can say it does more good than bad? wtf can you gain from porn? how is it useful in any way? i would not like to ban it because it would be a bad move, like it would be going back instead of forward, BUT what i am gonna say is that a healthy society SHOULD NOT NEED porn, do you understand what i'm saying? i really really doubt that for almost everyone porn is going to make you feel better

It can be, especially for people who have never had sex because they're presented with a very unrealistic depiction of what sex looks/sounds like. it can also densensitize you to sex if you watch it too often

It might be harmful for some people on the consumer side, depending on their mental health and cultural upbringing. But in general there is no harm. On the producer side there might be harm caused by the way we consume porn, but not by consuming porn in general. Harm comes, when the exploitation of actors and actresses is a calculated part of the business model. So I guess we should be more willing to actually pay for the content that satisfies some of our basic needs - weird thought! On the other hand, I do not really know about how these producers monetize their content. But I know that exploitation of actresses is a hot topic.

I think, like others have said, it's not necessarily harmful but watching too much or the "right" kind can be harmful. It can desensitize you to real sex, it can give you unrealistic expectations, etc. Some people get into a spiral where they have to watch harder and harder porn to get off. Just imagine how far away they come from being able to get off to real sex.

I think it's like anything else - the way you use it, letting it control your life and/or the life of others around you - that's what makes it harmful

Yes, anything in excess can become harmful. People with porn addictions don't have normal or healthy sex lives.


It can be.

For the performers … It may not always be causally bad, but there's defintely a high correlation of bad outcomes.

For the viewers… One thing there is 'porn addiction' (or some sort of compulsive behavior), probably not most people, but it's certainly harmful to some.

Obviously it needs to be kept in mind, these are mostly/usually performances. These are typically not normal people doing normal things. The idea of kids seeing some of this stuff is pretty unsettling.

There are good effects too. I don't know how it all shakes out in total, but those who indulge should certainly be mindful of it.

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