Daniel · 10 answers · 5y

Universal basic income-yay or nay?

Yay. It kind of already exists in the form of disability benefits, veteran pay, social security and welfare. Industrial farms and oil companies get subsidies from the government too.

The irony (or perhaps just hypocracy) is that rural areas full of Republican voters depend on a lot of these programs, you can't just get a job where there aren't any.

Yes, it's deplorable that anyone is left to sleep on the streets, beg for money, have no access to food, clothing, housing, water, medical care, etc.

“A nation's greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members.” - Mahatma Ghandi

It just shows that the emphasis in our society on individualism and "making it on your own", as slagathor mentioned, is taken to the point of being downright evil.

Yay. Not having a large percentage of the population struggling to make ends meet every month can only be a good thing. And if people have disposable cash, they spend it, on all sorts of things. Businesses grow, more workers get taken on, more taxes get collected, and there’s more cash in government coffers for schools, hospitals etc. It’s not rocket science. But why can’t governments see it?

The idea is great in an idealized scenario, but I can't see it working outside of an utopia sadly. I'd really dig the idea of the extra agency that comes with not having to worry about my livelyhood so I may bring back the value in the best way I can.

Yay tbh. I think it's society's responsibility to look out for its own people. The US strongly values individualism (individual successes; the "self-made" man/woman) over collectivism (ew, TAXES?? for things that help people other than me!???) but I think we're all better off if we just give a shit about other people's livelihoods.

I guess it's fine - society pays for the poor either way, why not cut out the middleman and give it straight to them

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