Daniel · 10 answers · 4y

You get to have dinner with one famous person, living or dead. Who do you pick?

Jesus, because he’s my favorite magician of all time, and I wanna ask him to turn water to wine and loaves into fish. 💦 🍷 🍞 🐟

Carl Sagan. I think he'd know what to say to make me hate life a little less tbh

Johann Sebastian Bach. Der ist am Ende des Lebens erblindet und muss mich deshalb nicht sehen.

I would choose to have dinner with my father. he passed away a few years ago from a hart attack.

Since I would not like to eat while a stinking corpse is sitting opposite I'd chose a living person. I'd probably chose Penelope since we could easily meet in London and she is quite famous on retro, isn't she? hehe

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