Daniel · 12 answers · 4y

What makes you think god exists/does not exist?

Someone or something has to be responsible for the existence of our universe/the laws of physics that allow it to exist. Also I just like the idea

The very concept is self-contradictory. And even if it's not, there is no evidence what so ever favoring a god hypothesis.

There is literally nothing in my life that's happened that made me go "wow, that's a crazy thing, God MUST have done it." Everything that I've seen or heard about, I can attribute it to mechanistic explanations of people and/or nature or luck. I guess I've just never needed to believe in a god? If I need/want something, I take the steps to get it. I can't hope that a god is looking out for me in particular.

That he/she does—-My own personal experiences. There is also too much order and synchronicity in our university for it to have occurred as a series of random events.



I don't know that God doesn't exist (or gods). Save crazy people, nobody knows. You have faith or you don't. Coincidence and confirmation bias may assist in this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitchens%27s_razor

Logically there is nothing indicating all this is the work of a supreme being. There's just too much uncertainty for all of us to pin our hopes on that belief. Neil DeGrasse Tyson's explanation of "stupid design" articulates this pretty well: https://i.imgur.com/wRMHBuU.jpg

Etwas musste von dem unerklärlichen Zustand des Nichts und aus der Zeitlosigkeit in die Zeit fallen. Dafür war ein Impuls nötig. Weiter kann Intellekt und Leben nicht aus dem Interagieren toter Materie entstanden sein, auch hier ist das Wirken einer geistlichen Wesenheit (Wesenheiten) notwendig. Und auf die Frage woher god stammt? Hier betreten wir für den menschlichen Verstand unerklärliches Terrain. Wohl war alles schon immer hier, in unterschiedlicher Form, so auch wir. Das Universum erwacht, hat eine Phase der Wachheit, zieht sich wieder zurück in den Urgrund und ruht dort, erwacht erneut, ständig wechselnd.

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