Daniel · 13 answers · 4y

How do you feel about homosexual couples adopting children?

I only feel for children adopted or born into dysfunctional families. These come in all stripes and colors sadly.

It's a First World matter but I'm fine with it. children need loving and caring parents and this doesn't imply that they should be a straight couple.

Fine by me. A lot of straight parents do a really shitty job, maybe they'll be better

Nothing wrong with it. The kids won't be confused, any more than they're confused by any other preference or disposition being different from theirs, and it won't make them gay.

NO it's a terrible idea - they are sickos and children cannot be trusted with them, exactly the same as heterosexual couples 😛

honestly? if straight people are allowed to traumatize their children then so should we

I’m completely ok with it if they can provide a stable, loving home.. just like any other couple or single-parent household.

I don't think real people should give a fuck about my opinion, this means they can deal with life, otherwise listen(generally barking), kids will be fucked up mentally sooner or later, we will always find a way to make bad kids, emotionally dead, and homosexuality has nothing to do with it.

Shouldn't be discouraged unless it can be shown that having two same sex parents is qualitatively worse than having none, but it has been shown that having a mother and father is better for the wellbeing of the child which should be paramount in cases of them being wards of the state.

Still, they shouldn't be precluded from adoption especially as there really aren't enough couples open to adoption to go around. Of course any such regulations shouldn't apply to private adoptions.

If they are well behaved adults who can support the proper development of a kid. I don't care who the fuggggg

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