Daniel · 12 answers · 4y

What do you think about trigger warnings?

Unnecessary and promoting a rather "unhealthy" attitude to the world around you.

I think it's a symptom of the new pop culture (millennial?) trend of feeling like you should be protected from having to feel anything uncomfortable. It's the same phenomenon that threatens to undo our freedom of speech when all the voters are millennials and post-millennials. I mean maybe there are some people who legitimately need trigger warnings, but I think those people would be exceedingly rare and I think the timing of the uprising of trigger warnings is no coincidence. TBH though I don't even remember seeing a single trigger warning out in the wild. All I ever see is the controversy surrounding this alleged phenomenon.

I think we all have a little X somewhere on our screens that gets rid of content that upsets us, and it should not have to be the responsibility of some online person(s) to manage our feelings

The phrase "trigger warning" is self-defeating because it makes a bunch of people suddenly and irrationally angry. I like it when they use "content note" because the people who are upset by "trigger warning" don't seem to notice it.

They're stupid and shouldn't be humored. It's literally the equivalent of advertising your insecurities and demanding everyone walk on eggshells because you can't handle them maturely.

I already know that mirrors aren't just mirrors, aka everything you see is a sinful thing cz it dies, I don't psychology relate to anything I see or hear, like a cold bitch.

Idk, they're not meant for people like me, i.e., I don't have any actual psychological triggers. I do know that assholes have ruined the word for anyone who has a legitimate desire or need for trigger warnings tho. They conflate it with being mildly upset or mildly bothered so they can feel powerful about.... not getting bothered by the same thing?? idk, it's a yikes from me tho

Trigger warning: This answer contains an opinion that isn't the same as yours, please remain calm.
I'm no expert but I'm gonna guess that it's just a big waste of time and the time and effort would be better spent doing literally anything else

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0005791618301137A recent study points to them being not only ineffective, but potentially harmful. More research is needed, but good intentions should not matter more than actual effectiveness.

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