Daniel · 15 answers · 4y

Would you still care about what you look like if you were the last human on earth?

Maybe for about a year... standards and discipline probably would slip eventually.

Only because it is a good indicator of how healthy I am. But I would be dead soon anyways.

Probably. I don't want no "hottest human on earth" as a participation trophy, I'm gonna earn it

I’d care what I smelled like, so I’d wash regularly. And I don’t like greasy hair so I’d wash that too. And I don’t like tuggy matted hair so I’d bush it. And I don’t like hair in my eyes or mouth so I’d cut it. Other than that, no.

I might because I might hold out hope that I'd find someone else still on Earth, like some pretty girl.. but if not for that? I don't know, good question. I probably wouldn't care, maybe a little.

I've actually thought about that a lot lol. If I was the only person alive then nothing would really matter so I probably wouldn't put too much effort into my appearance unless I thought there was a chance I'd somehow encounter people. Without people I'd probably just end up hanging out with all the animals until I eventually become one tbh

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