Daniel · 12 answers · 4y

Do you think that people will still celebrate the new year with fireworks in 70 years?

Yeah the tradition of fireworks goes back to first century China. I don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon.

Hard question. I don't know enough about the world to say. I would look at how long we've been doing it and also at how long other cultures have been doing fireworks for other events. Also there's the issue that civilization might be in shambles by then due to global warming, nuclear warfare, a supervirus, mass extinction due to litter, pollution, deforestation, overfishing, poaching, etc.

Nah, the surviving tribes will build bonfires and throw a sacrificial child in to thank the All-Father for another year

There was quite a backlash in the UK this year for guy fawkes night after youths fired fireworks at police and a puppy died of a heart attack - two viral stories. So probably not.

No, humans will have evolved to look, act, and taste exactly like iceberg lettuce by then

100% sure

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