Daniel · 11 answers · 4y

China-yay or nay?

Food: yay. Decorative arts/architecture/furnishings: YAY! Politics/political regime: nay.

Yay: History, culture

Nay: Evil government, general attitude towards animals (e.g. dog meat festival, demand for traditional medicine driving animals to the brink of extinction, live animal keychains)

That's a bit vague as others already pointed out. I know three Chinese people in person of whom I can positively say: Educated, nice, best manners, and the girl is ravishing to boot.

Yay to the culture and history of the place. Nay to the government.

Also a very hard fucking nay to all the out and out racism I've seen levied against the Chinese since the outbreak. Its out of order.

They are a fine people who just want to live in peace and enjoy their KFC (somebody should hip them to Popeye's TBH) but their government is a disgrace

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