Daniel · 11 answers · 4y

Do spiders die when you suck them away with a vacuum cleaner?

Since they breathe through their exoskeleton, yes they suffocate fairly quickly.

or.... do they await their revenge and tell their young-lings to avenge them? Hmmmmm.... the answer is do you feel lucky?- well.... do you?

Probably—the suction injures them and they’re buried in a ton of crap that they suffocate them. :(

I once had lots of baby spiders in my bedroom and I sucked them up and then took the bag out and put it in the freezer (tied up in another bag) to make sure they didn't survive.

probably not immediately, but I don't know how livable the inside of the dust trap part is for them

If you just succ them up with the hose they probably just get tangled up in hair and buried in dust and stuff.

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