Daniel · 15 answers · 4y

Tell me some random fact

Conrad Heyer (1749–1856) was possibly the earliest-born living person to be photographed - in 1852, at the age of 103. A veteran of the American Revolutionary War, he would have met people born in the 1600s.

The Queen owns every swan in England and is the only person legally allowed to eat them.

A graph is complete if the second eigenvalue of the laplacian of the adjacency matrix is greater than 0.

[ Learned about this in a series called "Cosmos: Possible Worlds" ] Some hundred million years ago Earth's atmosphere had more oxygen than now. Since insects somehow breathe through their skin, this let them grew much larger. Imagine meter-sized cockroaches roaming in your basement!

There's one species of bird that has a different lineage from all other birds in existence. It has claws on its wings. It's called the Hoatzin. https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&q=hoatzin

Vibrators were originally sold as a medical device for women suffering from "hysteria". The almost exclusively male medical community was pretty ignorant to female orgasms.

I read ONLINE once that while the German army was starving, freezing, and running out of Ammo at Stalingrad the Luftwaffe saw fit to air-drop 2 tons of condoms for them? so, "here's some condoms to practice safe sex while you go fuck... checks notes... yourselves."

When they remove the fat from skim milk, they also remove all the nutrients and whatnot, so they have to add nutrients back after, which is why some skim milks have that almost bluish tint to it

There used to be an island called Elugelab then the US government dropped a shiny new fusion bomb on it and then there was a crater one hundred and seventy-five feet deep where it used to be.

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