Daniel · 9 answers · 4y

Would you install a tracking corona app that would message you when another user of that app was tested positive and was near you within the last few days?

I heard Malaysia has something similar to that but it's too prone to people reporting non-infected people because they dislike the person.

Not unless it was reeeeeallly taking us out. Its getting bad in the UK now with todays death rate similar to Spain. But I think that shit would make me so paranoid.

If it's a government sponsored Iranian app: NO FUCKING WAY. It would definitely be a mass surveillance app in disguise. If I'd live in a normal country, sure. I'd be willing to participate in any flattening-the-curve program.

I own smartphones, so I'm tracked as soon as I switch it on. It basically boils down to who you trust. I might trust our ministry of health or our government here, at least a bit, but I do not trust anybody who aims at making $ by such apps.

Nah, I would almost rather not know... Also if you are isolating what's it going to matter if Brad down the street tested positive? Just assume anybody could have it and be careful with space and contact... I hope nobody's paying for that

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