Daniel · 7 answers · 4y

"I am not vegan because my behaviour does not have a significant impact on the mass animal farming situation anyway. "-Is that a stupid argument?

yea, seems a little wack. you should do what you think is right in this case, even if you don't think it's going to make a huge impact. maybe it will make a difference, maybe it won't, but that should be secondary to doing what you feel is right and good. this example just sounds like an excuse to not follow through on your convictions... or maybe you don't care enough, which is fine, but there's no need to lie to yourself/others about it

(similar to voting)

Its a stupid argument but I also don't believe people should have to justify their diets to anybody anyway.

That's like saying you don't vote because a single vote doesn't make a difference. I beg to differ, Orange Hitler won Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin by very, very small margins. People that didn't show to the ballot box as a "protest vote" should rot in hell for allowing this.

It is not stupid, it is an unconnected and invalid conclusion based upon assumptions with limited scope. As such a formal failure. But on an meta level it is a shield argument presumably.

Not quite, you can take action in other ways, but removing yourself from the problem by being vegan doesn't help as much as raising market demand for high quality animal products or demanding the gubermint to do something.

It only works when the majority does it, including your pets, not gonna happen.

Of course it is. It's lazy and cheap. Even when I wasn't a vegan, this is an argument I never used. Just used: Ah, I am addicted!

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