Daniel · 17 answers · 4y

What are the most dangerous animals in the region that you live in?

Where I live currently: canada geese and seagulls.
In my hometown: there’s been a few instances of bears walking around town

probably bears or common vipers, if you're allergic/have a poor reaction towards the latter

Mullahs. They're literally the most dangerous species this land has ever seen! But Seriously I don't know much about wildlife in this region. Maybe some type of mosquito? IDK...

There are black widows and brown recluse spiders. I've only seen one of each once. You pretty much have to be in a rural area to spot one, and I live in a big urban area where the most dangerous animal is my food-aggressive chihuahua.

There are also hella cottonmouths if you go for a hike near bodies of water. And I encountered a copperhead once, but that too was in a rural area.

honestly don't know, I haven't been outdoors enough to know what animals are out there

Cougars. The bears, coyotes, and spiders will leave you alone most of the time. Cougars have that sadistic cat instinct.

I guess there are bears, but as far as I can tell, your trash is in more danger than you are

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