Daniel · 17 answers · 4y

How long is your attention span?

It can be hours, but it’s got to be something I find interesting. If it doesn’t grab me, I’ll zone out in minutes.

I usually check Telegram, Twitter, News, YouTube and some other sites for 5-10 minutes every 2-3 hours during work. It's sometimes every 1-2 hours if the task is boring. I used to be able to focus a bit longer but clearly my excessive dependence of social media has exacerbated it.

From 5mins upwards. Sometimes I flow way too hard and spend over a day on something.
Generally tough, I can give something a concentrated 5mins of attention, even if it's boring.

I can usually play video games for hours on end, but my attention span for most other things is really bad because of anxiety/depression (unable to focus, lack of interest and enjoyment), although there are times when even video games can't hold my interest.

Depends on what requires attention, I guess. If it's something I can focus on, have all my attention, if it's boring or so I tend to get distracted really quickly.

I sat down to study like 30 minutes ago and for the past 25 minutes I've been playing on me phone

it's awful but on the rare occasion that I do manage to focus on something, it's hard to break away

As long as I want it to be for what I'm doing atm.

For some reason, though, lately, for the past few years, I've tended to take long breaks and watch videos or movies or read books in small chunks. I guess it just gets boring.

Sometimes I try to do certain problematic things on my computer for hours.

Milliseconds. My eye nerve takes 30 ms to transport info from eye to brain. So after 30ms the world is refreshed.

Depends. If I find myself immersed in what I'm doing I don't lose focus. I guess it depends on how much fulfillment or enjoyment I get from it. I've read entire books in a day and also struggled mightily trying to respond to an email.

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