Alice šŸ’‹ Ā· 15 answers Ā· 4y

Are you one to suffer from caffeine withdrawals?

I have yet to try that out, as it's been forever since I've gone a day without caffeine. You're banned , WTF. you-know-who must have some bots for reporting or something.

I don't want to think about not having coffee in the morning, so most likely plenty.

I love my Starbucks Doubleshot Espresso & Cream's, I usually have one a day, sometimes two, and I feel really good when I drink one. But I don't know if it's the taste or the caffeine that makes me feel good. The feeling comes instantly, and it doesn't make me feel extra 'awake' or active or anything, which is why I think it's probably just the taste. If I don't have one I sometimes really miss it but I don't think that missing feels like withdrawal. Though I've never been addicted to any (other?) drugs to compare it to.

Nah, I was reading an article claiming the reason for it is that people drink it early in the morning and over time it replaces your body's natural 'waking up' chemicals which is why you're miserable without it once you're used to it. They claimed the best time to drink it is between 10 AM til noon and between 2and 5 PM

I don't really do caffeine outside of what little is in chocolate and coca cola.

I have to google that to know what's you're talking about. Well I drink tea a lot and I suppose tea has a bit caffeine in it(?) However it's not like if I don't drink tea I get headaches. I often drink it to boost my productivity while working.

P.S: I rarely drink coffee [which I guess has much more caffeine than tea(?)]

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