Alice 💋 · 9 answers · 3y

What is it about people in rural areas that makes conservatism so appealing? Is it the lack of education available to people in those areas?

They only think about themselves because they don't encounter other people or ideas.

Its an insular lifestyle, their lives are about what they have. So its only fair they feel the need to protect that.

I regard it like the tone a string makes when it is on an instrument. The pitch depends on the force of pull, the thickness of the string, the shape of the instrument and the type of material the string is made from. When u change the instrument and the material of the string it still tends to make the same sound and pitch if the length stays the same and the pulling force is adjusted. I think a rural life predetermines some conditions but not everything. Or, to say it another way: If you play shitty music or powerful Rock with said string is up to the player, not to the string.

lol we shouldn't make generalizations . It could be the remnants of the old slave owners. It could be this belief of traditional values.

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