Alice 💋 · 7 answers · 3y

Trump terrorists aren't allowed on planes anymore, does this make you feel safer?

Not really. They probably don’t even use commercial air transportation. They are the witch’s army of flying monkeys after all.

It's empty theater, just like it is for people who happen to have the same name as an Al Qaeda member's uncle or whatever

No, I do not feel safer. Not as long as they get a MAGA sticker tattooed on the forehead and singled out at every gate.

yes. lower chances of their most likely infected anti-mask asses being on a plane with someone i know and having it spread to people they love.

No, but it is decadently satisfying. Though it's also kind of concerning because I think they give out no-fly statuses too easily and I never know when it'll happen to me for some odd reason. Not that I'd ever do anything like storm the Capitol though.

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