Alice 💋 · 11 answers · 3y

What's something you always wanted as a kid, but never got? Karate lessons for me

A dog or a cat. One of the only things I wanted badly, but lived to be grateful that I never got.

A remote control car. I remember that I cried a river on multiple occasions so that my parents got me one but I didn't get any.

Gymnastics lessons, dance lessons, summers where I could do what I wanted, braces.... lots of stuff.

All I really wanted when I was a kid was to have a girlfriend/kiss a girl/etc. I never got it. I did get karate lessons. I don't think they would've translated to being good in an actual fight at all.

More Lego, more Anime, my own schedule for cooking/eating and a playground you could actually dig up for building dungeons and constructing tiny houses up in trees and digging tiny river and lake systems and fill them with water. I also always wanted long hair. I never had more Lego or that sort of playground. At least I have now long hair.

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