Alice 💋 · 14 answers · 3y

What's your ideal weather? I just heard someone call 100+ and 90% humidity "great weather". Probably reptilians tbh

Cool, breezy, overcast, afternoon.. or even rain, wind and thunder if I get to be inside. =p

I like it at the sea, so moderate temps around 18 to 22 degrees centigrade plus wind and moderate humidity.
I can live also in a 30+ degree climate with very dry air, like e.g. close to a desert.

Yeah they're definitely not human, probably a bunch of frogs in a jumpsuit. I like when it's like 65-70 degrees with no wind at all and sunny, so if you're just sitting around you get warm but if you're doing something you don't get too hot, nah mean?

I like hot weather. I think it’s conditioning. Hot meant summer vacation which meant no school. Cold seasonal weather depresses me.

Actually 100°f+ is great, but only with low humidity (since the body cools itself more efficiently that way)

I loved that 70-80° weather in Vegas in the fall/early spring. sunny & clear skies

I have a friend who wants to move to Texas for the heat - Satan's armpit, not even getting into the political situation ... anyway I like two seasons: I'm into sunny and 50-60 degrees, the sun makes it feel warmer but not too warm, and then a winter where it's 30 and a couple inches of snow might fall but not 2 feet of snow and -30 degrees out

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