Alice 💋 · 8 answers · 3y

George R. R. Martin or J. R. R. Tolkien?

I’ve never read anything by either. (I know!) They’re in the same category as Pink Floyd and Radiohead: I’m sick to death of men telling me I should read/listen to them because they’re the best thing since sliced bread that I rebelled and will not listen to or read any of them. Do I feel like I’ve missed out? Not a bit. Also, I’m not into that whole fantasy genre thing to begin with. I think it’s grossly overrated. I’ve seen the LOTR films and one episode of GOT - both under duress.

George has good story ideas. In that regard, I prefer him. But his writing skills though...cheesy af. Tolkien is the better writer.

Tolkien, because Martin likes to take his sweet time to write and I’m impatient

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