Alice 💋 · 10 answers · 4y

What's a strange paradox you've observed? I find it silly white supremacists on the internet are into anime, Japanese culture, and (usually) have Asian fetishes. Richard Spencer (barf) had an Asian girlfriend.

Lots of British pensioners live permanently in Spain. Because both countries are in the EU, they still receive their UK pension and get free healthcare. They overwhelmingly voted for the UK to leave the EU because they think there are too many immigrants.

Living in "The Islamic Republic of Iran" [even its name has paradox] I've seen countless paradoxes in my life. Below I list some of them.

  • College professors who believe in creationism.
  • People who hate Islam but participate in elections and vote for a candidate who's a mullah/religious nutjob.
  • Muslim women who call themselves feminists. [This one was hard to swallow when I first encountered such women.]

Women who want to be empowered. Yet they are only into guys who take control. They turn out to both be Alpha and it doesn't work out

You can be a white suprematist and have a harem of asian slave girls in chains in your cellar, cannot you?

I like to watch those Jubilee "Middle Ground" videos on youtube. They did a video on current/former members of the Bloods and Crips. They did a different video on flat earthers vs. scientists. The gangsters were 100x more civil than the flat earthers

flat earthers vs. scientists:
bloods vs. crips:

Asians are so adorable though ^_^ it's the same kind of ppl in the south that watch black only porn. which is a large percentage there.they hate the fact that they love it:)

Not a true otaku lol, outside of cancerzones like 4kanker I find it hard to come across genuine white supremacists who overlap with the japanophile crowd.

Sure, plenty of conservatives ranging from milkbread to spicy get a boner to how many asian countries culture, japans in particular, is deeply rooted in tradition, respect to another, what have you. Like attracts like.

So no, not a real paradox here.

Those same racist white people who can't stand their pale skin so there's a whole enormous tanning industry, I'm sure Cheeto-in-Chief could fill an Olympic size pool with his bronzer

That despite fucking up the election the hard left still think bringing in another hard left leader will work.

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