Arman · 11 answers · 4y

What would you do if your SO revealed that she/he was very much into BDSM and kept asking you to hit her/him [to the point of bruising]?

I won't treat her like a punching bag for sure but I'd just maybe increase the power in the spanks or whatever tf we doing

I wouldn't oblige them. I had one such partner and I was seriously not into that, too weird for me.

i'd keep saying no, and maybe hope that she doesn't go off and find someone who will hit her.

Nope. I’d go for something light, but never anything that would cause bodily harm.

Enter into as binding a notarized agreement as I can, with very explicit terms, to as near as possible protect myself from legal consequences. Then try to do it in as safe and controlled a manner as I can, if that isn't acceptable than no bueno.

I can't imagine sexual preferences not coming up before the 3rd date in any situation for me, but I don't mind masochism. in fact it is something that I like. I've never been with someone who takes it to the point of bruising, but I'm wit it. we'll see how it goes

I feel like that's something that will come up way before SO status, but if somehow my girl steps to me after a year or however long and asks me to beat her ass that badly then we're probably better off breaking up - I won't be into it and she'll end up going off to some dungeon master on the quiet

That is not the way BDSM works... and that is not how a person who is into BDSM would have a new SO. The whole idea is to communicate it in order to make such a relationship work. And it isn't a beat me or perish thing.

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