Arman · 9 answers · 5y

Imagine you live in the future and life expectancy in your country is about 200 years. How would knowing this [life expectancy of 200 years] affect your life decisions? [regarding education, relationships, marriage, having kids, retirement, etc]

really, who would like to live 90% of their life as an elderly, it's already awful enough as it is

I would have been putting more effort into the long, tough road of fixing my severely fucked up self, but I'm finally making progress rn. Eventually, once I got myself fixed, I might try again at a higher education. No marriage, no kids, maybe a relationship once I'm ready for one.

Oh I think I'd need that based on how many mistakes I make lol and also cos I have many sides to me that would lead to different life choices and reinventions if I had the time. I peaked too soon in my life and then my health collapsed. There were times I didn't want another moment never mind 200 years.

How could you retire when the entire society consists merely of elderly people hardly able to walk?

I'd get educated in all the fields that interest me, and when I get good the rest until my brain locks up to archieve top crystalline intelligence. Then just take a hike until I've seen it all.

I guess everything would be the same.Only difference is investment that I will pick to invest in quieter areas

Presumably you'd probably age in half the time (roughly) someone with a regular lifespan did and health decisions still factored into the aging process, no different.

Although retirement will probably be a challenge. Even now, because of increased life expectancy and low birth rates, tax funded retirement pensions are bankrupting a lot of countries.

First thing that comes to mind for me is unemployment - people will have to stay working another hundred years, which sounds like hell. I will jump out a window, no way I am hanging around that long. Nah that might hurt somebody else, no one deserves my carcass landing on them but you get the idea

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