Arman · 8 answers · 4y

When was the last time you were rude to someone?

A few days ago i guess so was kinda rude to my neighbors because they're trailer trash and I hate them

can't remember, couldn't be me ! even when someone is pissing me off I'm patient with them (and that's based on someone else's observation, not me blowing smoke up my own ass)

Last week on Twitter I was shit talking Democrats or something like that and someone jumped in my mentions and started calling me names so I was rude back to him

That one time some lolicon profile pic called me a cuck on-line, so I called him a big fashist faggot.

Some insurance salesperson cold called my work number and tried getting my boss's email address from me so I got very annoyed and tried cutting the conversation short. Don't feel bad about it either fuck that guy.

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