Merida · 9 answers · 3y

Are you sad?

That might not be the most descriptive word for me right now.
I will say this, however. Nicole ( bored2020 on this site ) has been suffering some mental health issues, as I've seen of her in more recent times. She seems like she may have some degree of PTSD, in part or in whole because of the whole "Jon" thing. I'm going to recommend that she see a psychiatrist for treatment. If I loved close to her, I would consider coming in to answer any question the doctor might have, if I was welcome to. Or, to get involved in whichever exercises or conversations to help her out.
If various people that Nicole sees online or elsewhere is someone she believes to be me masquerading, that would be one thing which confirms that she absolutely needs help. I don't mean to use this question to gossip, or try to stir things up, but it needs to be said, and I wanted to find a non-intrusive way to do so.

Best of luck, Nicole, even though you might not see this.

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