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Hymn of the Dragon: An Imbibitor Lunae Zine

An SFW, for-profit zine dedicated to the Imbibitor Lunae.

Scalegorge Waterscarpe
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Anonymous Coward · 1y

hello, is there anything else that is considered nsfw outside of explicit sexual content?

Anonymous Coward · 1y

hi, may i asked if mental health-heavy works (as in mentions s*icide) considered nsfw? if not, can it be included in portfolio (with appropriate warnings)?

Anonymous Coward · 1y

When you ask for social media links do you mean where we show our work or where you can reach us? For example, AO3 vs Discord. Or is it for both? Just thought I'd ask so I know 100%.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Hello! Is there leeway on the word count for samples to be /under/ the word count, as long as they still tell a cohesive story?

Hello! Yes, it's fine to submit samples that are a little below the 1.5-2k word limit 😁 we look forward to seeing your application!

Anonymous Coward · 1y

hello! i was trying to submit my application but in the section where it wants to confirm that I am older than 16 years, there's an error. it says "please type yes" but even though I've done so, the error still persists.

Coul you remedy this? otherwise I can't proceed with submitting my application... perhaps you could change it to a multiple choice questions with yes or no option instead of short paragraph?

Hello! We've updated the forms, please try submitting your application again. If you are still facing problems, please send us a DM, thank you!

Anonymous Coward · 1y

I have a sample that is 250 words under the word count range. Can I still use it?

Hello! Yes, it's fine to submit samples that are a little below the 1.5-2k word limit 😁 we look forward to seeing your application!

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Hi!! I'm sorry if this sounds like a repetitive question, I'm still a little confused about what would be considered an IL piece for writer apps. Is all that's required for Dan Heng to be in his Vidhyadara form/for the piece to be set after he's accepted his powers, or does the theme specifically have to revolve around him being the IL?

Anonymous Coward · 1y

this is kind of specific but i’m working on a LI/DF piece for the application and It changed directions dramatically (whoops). would a fic that is about DF, but through an outsider POV, still count? or does it need to be specific centered around LI/DF ?

If you believe this to be a sample that demonstrates your ability to write the Imbibitor Lunae, then please list that as part of your sample!

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Sorry,, I'm confused... what exactly does this zine consider as "Imbibitor Lunae"? because iirc that's the title of the high elder viyadhara so technically it's Dan Feng and Dan Heng so wouldn't any content about Dan Feng or Dan Heng count as Imbibitor Lunae content? //asking as a writer

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Hi! I saw a question related to the writer apps and normal Dan Heng, I wanted to know if the required IL app needed to be about IL DH or if we could submit a sample featuring previous IL (Dan Feng or Yubie)

Anonymous Coward · 1y

hi, what counts as imbibitor lunae? is dan feng imbibitor lunae? or is it specifically dan heng in his imbibitor lunae form?

Anonymous Coward · 1y

How much focus does IL need in the fic sample? I haven’t had time to write specifically for him yet since he’s still pretty new, but I have a fic where he features as a strong background figure in Blade’s memory. Would that be enough or does he have to be the main character?

If you believe this to be a sample that demonstrates your ability to write the Imbibitor Lunae, then please list that as part of your sample!

Anonymous Coward · 1y

hello! i saw that writers are required to have a fic sample that includes imbibitor lunae. does this mean strictly Dan Heng in his imbibitor lunae form or is normal Dan Heng also allowed?

Hello! A mix of both the Imbibitor Lunae and Dan Heng are allowed in the same fic, so long as the context of the fic is centred on the Imbibitor Lunae.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Hi! Is there any leeway on the word count for writer applications? I have a potential sample that's 2.1k words.

It is alright if the word count goes over by 1-200. Samples with word counts that are way over will only have the first 1.5-2k reviewed.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

i applied the day applications opened but didn’t receive an email - are you sure that setting has been turned on?

As of today apps for our zine have not opened; they will open 12pm EDT this Friday on the 15th. When an app is submitted, you will get an email with a copy of your form response.

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