
I'm a cat who loves to talk about my OCs.

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Anonymous Coward · 1y

What do Daisy Mae and her polycule like to do for fun? Describe a typical day together.

If they're not working on running their farm/breeding service, they all try to spend time relaxing. Daisy Mae is a workaholic so it's hard to get her to relax, but usually Brynn can convince her. A lot of sitting in the sunshine, reading, having a picnic, maybe they all go down to the lake for a swim together (skinny dipping of course). Caesar might tackle some repairs he'd been putting off if they leave him alone but he can usually be persuaded to take a day off if Daisy is too.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Does Hevah have any hobbies?

She's been learning to read so that takes up a lot of her time, but she also enjoys collecting unicorn shaped trinkets and telling stories! Her religion is based on storytelling, so it's a big part of her worship to tell people about her adventures!

Anonymous Coward · 1y

What are some of the foods that the Saintseed family enjoys? Do they celebrate holidays?

Thorn was raised vegetarian, and Janus lived pretty much entirely off fish and citrus fruits when he was a sailor, so their coming together was a bit of a culinary nightmare lol. But it's a very bread-and-veggies type diet, which they supplement with farm fresh eggs and goats milk for the kiddos. Thorn's favorite food is anything with fresh berries, Janus is a fan of Thorn's (usually meatless) Shepherd's Pie (though he'd eat anything Thorn makes with the biggest heart eyes, he loves his husband's cooking).

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