Daniel · 11 answers · 2y

What are some things that only old people say?

Talking about how much something cost in the old days, to someone who wasn't alive or old enough to remember money in the UK before it was decimalised, as if it will make any sense to them.

"Before decimalisation on 15 February 1971, there were twenty (20) shillings per pound.

The shilling was subdivided into twelve (12) pennies.

The penny was further sub-divided into two halfpennies or four farthings (quarter pennies).

2 farthings = 1 halfpenny

2 halfpence = 1 penny (1d)

3 pence = 1 thruppence (3d)

6 pence = 1 sixpence (a 'tanner') (6d)

12 pence = 1 shilling (a bob) (1s)

2 shillings = 1 florin (a 'two bob bit') (2s)

2 shillings and 6 pence = 1 half crown (2s 6d)

5 shillings = 1 Crown (5s)"

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