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(4/end) i liked reading your thoughts on ms2! please continue to share your thoughts on ms2 (and mhyk) <333 hope you have a great day!
(3/?) the stolen chalice, as well as the looming threat of Mitile's prophecy, ms3 looks like it's going to be a wild and exciting ride. Totally agree with you that mhyk management should have milked ms2 more (released cards with ms2 scenes, side episodes that couldn't fit into ms2), what you said would definitely have elevated the experience of going through ms2 and it really was a shame that the management (at least to me) kinda feels like they aren't very in touch with the sentiments of the playerbase
I wonder if they’ll take ms3 somewhere. Ms1 focused on Central, ms2 focused on West, so I think it’ll be fun to go East or North. Those two seems like very good places to do experiments in secret. The prospect of uncovering more about the nature of the sage is also very exciting! Zara also has something planned, and I’m looking forward to see how it unfolds~
… Tbh, I’ve seen dissatisfied JP comments as well. A lot of them were shocked at how disconnected the events & main story are, and they’re not entirely happy with the way mhyk’s handled. Things are really sluggish since last year. A lot of fans from 2020 have left for other fandoms, so it’s safe to say that, yes, the management fails to understand the playerbase…
But tbh the playerbase is now fairly huge and varied, with differing opinions everywhere. There’s always a portion who will be dissatisfied at any time, and there’s no way to please everyone. The fans who like Coly’s stories cried in anguish at the main storyline; fans of Bunta aren’t satisfied with the event stories; those in between go with the flow; and there are new players who want to catch up to the hype… etc etc. It’s complicated. Running a service-based game is hard lol
But I still totally think that everyone will be happy if Coly had illustrated ms2 and releases those illusts as gacha. The fact that they didn’t do it means that they don’t understand the desires of their player base!!!!
I’m not looking forward to anniv 4…
(2/?) loved how bunta juggled writing such a huge cast expertly, their interactions were a joy to read and spoke volumes about how in the end, bunta's the main writer for a reason because no one else can emulate their grasp of the wizards' characterizations and entropy that is generated when they interact with each other. Chloe + Owen, Shard Murr + Figaro, and Bradley + Nero's interactions were some of the interactions I enjoyed the most. With the shifting allegiances, the perennial danger of Nova and
Hmm… I kinda… don’t agree fully with how other writers get discounted for not being able to produce Bunta’s level of story. Etude & Ballad’s script were written by other writers too, and I think those were good. (Plot by Bunta tho) But 2 the biggest differences in the treatment Bunta gets vs the other writers are: time and degree of freedom. Bunta gets more time, and therefore was able to ponder & polish her stories further. Whereas Coly’s in-house writers had a time limit of… idk, less than 3 months? To come up with an event story. And they have to keep producing without much leeways of researching, I bet. It slowly depletes creativity…
Bunta also gets total freedom and is able to write as many conflicts as she wants. However, what’s outside of the main storyline seems to have this limitation of, “no deviating too much from ms1.5 so new players aren’t confused” rule, so all of the characters end up in a loop ala Doraemon. I suspect this is why the stories and character development end up being shallow; being fillers, these can’t move on too much from the foundations.
(Basically, Coly can only come up with one-shot fanfics!)
I’m not discounting Bunta, of course; her writing is artistic, highly emotional, and I’ve lost count how many times her stories devastated me that I just curl up on my bed and cry about Figaro, FgMt & LenoFau… (lol). It’s just.. kinda. Saddens me when I see people go, “X is better than Y” kinda comments. Those two have different circumstances, and I liked South Concerto and Campeggio. Happy endings are more to my liking 🥹
The Chloe & Owen interactions in the main story are really 😘 though! They’re so cute together..! I hope we get to see more in ms3!
(1/?) ms2 was so good!! That ending really made me go 'MS3 WHEN?!?!??!?!' because just thinking about how b/unta sensei is going to deal with Mitile's development and prophecy, the fallout resulting from Milite learning that Figaro's been lying to him and delaying his development makes me feel really excited, especially after seeing how ms2 was written. Rustica's bride storyline was written in such a satisfying way and the part where Chloe said that he was going to teach Rustica sadness gave me chills.
Avdjdbs sorry Anon, but I’M NOT EXCITED TO SEE MORE CONFLICT BETWEEN MITlLE & FIGARO 😭😭😭 Seeing them pained makes me sad as well, and that’s not a bery nice feeling, so. I want to see them happy again and go back to being a mentor-&-student-duo-who-care-about-each-other very much soon………
But biasness aside, yeah!! I also got the chills when Chloe wanted to teach Rustica how to deal with sadness. The way Rustica cried made me cry as well in a good way. Chloe’s such a good boy… he really loves Rustica whole-heartedly 😭 Thx Bunta
rate this song from 1-10
…… Uh. The message looks as if it’s machine-generated so I hesitated to open it for a good 5 minutes.. but I did it anyway.
I think it’s a 7. Good melody, the lyrics reminds me of Figaro somewhat and the singing’s nice. But personally, it doesn’t make me want to draw nor loop (maybe because it’s too depressing? It is a sad song) so that’s where the -3 came from. Purely from personal taste!
(Sorry I’m not much of a music person… lol)
Community name suggestions (please take liberties if you want because they are random things that popped up inside my head):
Carpaccio and corn soup
Muumuu's playground
oh, i would totally be down for a figamiti discord server! honestly, a proship safe mahoyaku server in general would be AMAZING.
What’s your ideal server like, Anon? What kind of activities would you imagine the server to have? What would your contributions/activity be? What’re your expectations for the mods?
Let’s brainstorm and see whether it’s feasible or not : )
(PS; I would not touch the yume channel for personal reasons, so a server that I mod will not have it, lol. It would be a different matter if someone who supports yume can manage it, tho)
dreamwidth is a great website, but as far as i know they don't allow fictional underaged stuff at all. with mitile being 15... if someone reported it... figamiti content could be taken down. 😭 unless it's non-romantic or sfw, i'm pretty sure.
Then just make a fgmt-only community! I don't think the rule would pose a problem if we make the community locked and moderate membership such that only literate people (people who are willing to read 500+ words of rules and comply to them) enters. FigaMiti fans are mostly adults or very nice people anyways. They won't ruin the creators who bring their favourite content.
As for the more risque contents, none of those will be hosted on dreamwidth, so the moderators won't have any ground to delete or ban anything. For example, fanarts are more likely to be posted on the artists' own social media (like twitter, poipiku or pixiv) and so the dreamwidth posts will just provide a link to the original hosting sites. Same goes with fanfics; I imagine writers will just upload those to AO3, then provide a link in their DW posts. Food & nui posts are most likely to be hosted on tumblr, twitter, mastodon or instagram.
Dreamwidth will be very good for a news site, I think. Like, if there's a translation that has figamiti on it, someone can cross-post it there. If there's a magazine content or 2.5D actors stuff that comments on FgMt, it can also be posted there too....
It can also be a place of discussion or friending. DON'T WE HAVE MANY OPINIONS ABOUT MS2???
The only issue I forsee would be a lack of activity. HONESTLY, all fgmt fans are like squirrels who run away at the slightest of tremor, so we're inherently afraid to say things publicly. This can lead to inactivity > dead community in no time at all. Plus, we're mostly working adults who'd rather stay in our lanes & do our own thing instead of modding and creating buzz lmao.
(I, for one, have no idea how to influence people. And despite my 3 years of efforts, the number of fgmt fanartist/writer on the eng side didn't increase at all. So I can't lead.... I don't have charisma nor do I know how to build & keep a community)
And to be honest? I don't believe there are more than 30 people in the entire mhyk eng fandom who likes FigaMiti! So it'll most likely be.... deathly quiet.... /laughs /sobs ( ; w ; )
i wish we could be friends. i love mahoyaku (also, one of my otps is fimiti), and besides my wife, i know no other proshippers (for lack of better term) who even like mahoyaku. unfortunately, i think my fictional problematic tastes are a bit too unhinged to be outside of a privated account. 😔
Anon, do you know that…. You can also be doubly anonymous by creating a new twitter account, using a brand new handle name, and then gush about fimiti in public guilt-free???!!! (°▽°) (°▽°) (°▽°) Nobody will care. Believe me, I’ve been fangirling about figamiti publicly for 3 years and all I’ve come across are fellow fans who would LOVE to also talk about figamiti. I’ve gained a few new friends this way and have never been happier with fandom life ✨
The prerequisite, though, is that you have to hunt for antis first and block them before they discover you. Just search “figa miti” “mitile ship” and they’ll show up.
And if you want to be awfully, skillfully stealthy about your ship preferences, then turn your ideas into fanfic or fanarts! Fanarts keep the ideas vague while the regular person won’t read walls of text. Fanfics are consumed only by fellow fans of the same ship, so you’d be to-ta-lly safe! ✨
Try going anonymous with a new account & name, anon! And be brave! Nothing ventured nothing gained! 👍 Keep interacting with people you want to befriend, and you’ll be with fellow unhinged folks in no time, you’ll see ❤︎
Oh and give nice compliments to your fave fanartists, fanfic writers, cosplayers, nui photographers etc mmkay? It’ll make their day : D
have you thought about selling those figamiti water bottles? i would love to buy one! i wanna see the whole thing! ^_^
Oh snap I’m sorry for the extremely late reply!!!! Q_Q
But no, the water bottle isn’t for sale. It’s proof of friendship! It’s given to those who’ve brainrotted with me all these years about figamiti rofl. Besides, fandom activity is purely a hobby to me and I don’t really like the idea of making money out of it :( It takes the fun out.
i would die of happiness if you drew shota figaro getting spoiled by mitile, if you ever make any doujins pls put them on gumroad (or somewhere else that sells pdfs, overseas shipping is pain) so i can throw money at you💚
Agdjdbs sorry For the late reply! I don’t check my retrospring often. Also, WHO ARE YOU ARE WE FRIENDS ALREADY??? 😭😭😭
Can’t I just post the doujin on public for everyone to see and then you can throw some money via ko-fi? Tbh, I don’t really fancy the idea of putting up my fanworks for sale. It doesn’t feel right! Why gatekeep fellow fgmt fans? That doesn’t make sense to me! I sure as hell want to see and scream about fgmt whenever I want… lol
Also, instead of money, please pay me in fics, fanarts, nui picts, cosplay picts or other form of fanworks 😉✨ I’m always starved! Fill my belly Hehe /greedy
I'm curious! What do you think FiMi's first date be like? Would Mi ask first or Fi?
Waah thank you for the message!
IT THINK IT WOULD REALLY DEPEND ON THE EVENTS LEADING UP TO Them becoming lovers... Like, if everything stays peaceful and Miti confesses normally, and Figaro also went "Yep ok let's date ^^", then Figaro would be the one to invite Miti on their first date. They'd go to a magic bookstore (because Miti is always excited to learn about more things), have lunch, shop for more magic tools (more apparatus to encourage Mitile's medicine-making passion, maybe??), buy souvenirs for Rutile & gang, have dinner, kiss and Mitile could hug Figaro from behind as they ride their broom home???
Or maybe Figaro could bring Miti to a place that Tiletta liked to visit... . Idk, Figaro is the kind considerate boyfriend who wants to make their partner happy first and foremost, so I think he'd take the lead and plan the itinerary to maximize Mitile's happiness.
BUT IF WE GO DOWN A MORE gloomy route where Mitile knows that Figaro doesn't have much to live, then Mitile would be the one to ask Figaro out to a date. "I want to learn more about you" "I want us to create many more memories together" "I want to remember you even if you're gone" "I want to find out ways for us to be as long as we possibly can" Mitile would ask Figaro out to take him to places which are important to Figaro. They'd go to the raging seas of the Northern country, "This is my mana area. There's nothing to see here, so it's boring" (Yes I'm referencing Si Vales Valeo that のり wrote on her pixiv!! It's so good, it filled my head for 4 days straight and converted me to FigaMiti. Thank you のりさん I'm sorry for bringing up your book at least once every year, but it's so good.. It's so good, I cried a lot. Thank you. Please read it here: They can also go to Figaro's old village, "You can't see it, but there's a village buried under us. Remember the story about a magical deer that I shared a long time ago?". Maybe they can even visit the manor/castle/place where Figaro lived with the twins!
"Are you disappointed?" "No, I'm happy to know more about you."
And then they get married in 3 months.
Idk, the possibilities are endless. There's no one true possibility and that's what's fun about this ship!
Good evening.
I always enjoy your drawing and tweets.
If you don't mind, I would like to see your drawings of Mitile from Little Red Riding Hood and Figaro from Wolf. If this request is difficult, I would like to see Figamiti's nyota.
I love your work, so if this seems difficult, please disregard. Thank you.
Hi anon! Thank you for the compliment ♥. Why, this request sparked a lot of scenarios in my head, and it was really fun to work on! (Although I cheated a bit and made it monochromatic because my attention span is really low...)
I drew this with a lot of feelings, so i hope you like it : )
Mitile dressed as muumuu :)
This is most likely not what you're looking for, but I tried, anon! Mitile in 100% mascot outfit would most likely suffer from a heatstroke and I don't want that, so I opt for a... cute... ish... outfit in muu colour. Hope ya like it anyway ;-)
I don't think I've seen your Arthur before! Would love to see you draw him and Pompurin ♡
There you go, anon! Thanks for the request : D
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