Daniel · 13 answers · 4y

Are you a feminist?

As long as crusty old white men hold positions of power and try to control what women do with their bodies with zero correct knowledge on how women's bodies work, yea, I'ma be a feminist. As long as I'm respected less as an instructor than my male colleagues with an identical amount of experience even though I put more work into my pedagogy, I'ma be a feminist. Women carry all sorts of invisible burdens in academia; it is a documented phenomenon that has some research done on it. For example, women (and especially women of color) tend to perform more outreach and service positions in universities, which, if they are tenure-track, takes time away from research responsibilities and results in this leaky pipeline. Many women enter academia but few make it to full professorship because they've [potentially inadvertently?] took on all this extra service work that is not rewarded or even valued the same way as research accomplishments. Reasons for this are debated in the research, but y'all have to know that isn't right. That's like an average of $30k/salary difference between associate professorship (beginning of tenure) and full professorship. Nothing to sneeze at.

Women and men might have the same opportunities but we face a very different set of obstacles to get to the same end goals.

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