Teo · 10 answers · 4y

How would you rate your abilities as a driver? You're supposed to pull over to a shoulder and stop for emergency vehicles, but people here either don't stop or stop in the middle of the road....


I always pull over for emergency vehicles, but I drive exclusively with my mouth

I can handle my car fairly well, but I am far from driving like Lewis Hamilton. Blocking or slowing down emergency vehicles is an offence here with painful fines. In extreme cases you risk your driving license plus getting sentenced to jail. When you are an idiot like that you might get your license back but not without having to attend a humbling psychological test plus a week of drivers school teaching plus a written and a practical test afterwards where you could fail.

Like 8/10 tbh. Sometimes I get passive aggressive and do things just to be an asshole to people who tailgate and I should probably not do that

Here it's a big ass ticket so I do exactly that. Also, I struggle with parallel parking but would say I'm an excellent driver. I've never been in an accident.

Like a solid 8.5, all you really have to be is thoughtful and defensive and you'll be fine, except for the rando backing into you in a hotel parking lot, but there's not much you can do about that, even though it seems to happen repeatedly JFC the car is like electric blue how can you not see it, uh what were we talking about again?

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